800+ lots. Featuring decoys from the Collections of Ron Adamson, Jack McKay, Barton Blum and Harry W. Chesley, Jr. This auction was amazing. The crowd was not larger than usual (around 300), the contents of the sale were not exceptional, but the prices were extremely strong across the board. All price levels and categories did well. The gross was $1,460,000 which was around 35% over estimate
Pair of greenwing teal by William Gibian
Very rare old squaw drake by Lothrop Holmes
Black backed gull by Amateur Savoie
Part of a selection of miniatures by Elmer Crowell
Sleeping mallard drake by Ted Mulliken
Early loon decoy from Nova Scotia
Canada goose by Ken Anger
Old squaw drake from Kingston, Massachusetts
Pintail drake by J. R. Wells
Sentinel Canada goose by Hugh McAlpine
Preening Canada goose from New Brunswick
Exceptional pintail drake from Ontario
Rare pair of golden plover from Nantucket
Rare mallard drake by Willie Ross
Part of a selection of contemporary carvings
Very rare brant by Chauncey Wheeler
Feeding yellowlegs from Cape Cod