April 27 & 28, 2006 St. Charles, Illinois
750+ lots. Featuring decoys from the Collections of Alan and Elaine Haid, Jim Stewart, ted Murphy, Annie Cooper, and Tom Fuller. The action gross was just over $3.5 million. Sixty-eight items sold for over $10,000 each and four items sold for over $100,000. Top lot in the sale was a pair of mergansers, circa 1900, by Clinton Keith of Kingston, Massachusetts, which sold at mid estimate for $335,000

Yellowlegs by Fred Nichols

Redhead drake by Bob Jones

Wood duck drake by Elmer Crowell

Canvasback drake by Tom Chambers

Pair of mergansers from Massachusetts

Pintail drake by John R. Wells

"Carriage House" rig mallard drake

American merganser by Shang Wheeler

Redhead drake by Walker Morely

Pair of mergansers by Elmer Crowelll

White heron by Alphonso Tillet

Gray heron by Alphonso Tillet

Black duck by Ira Hudson

Pair of mergansers by Clinton Keith

Merganser hen by Sam Toothacher

Merganser drake by Gus Wilson

Merganser hen by Gus Wilson

Pair of mallards by Charles Perdew

Widgeon hen by Orel Leboeuf

Sanderling by Obediah Verity

Mallard hen by Robert Elliston

Full size blue jay by Elmer Crowell

Mallard hen by Bert Graves

Curlew by Obediah Verity