Wood duck by the Mason Decoy Factory
World Auction Record for Maker

Golden plover by Elmer Crowell

"Round back" style bluebill drake by Robert Elliston

Canada goose by Tom Chambers

Pigeon by the Mason Decoy Factory

Pintail drake by Steven Lane
World Auction Record for Maker

Eskimo curlew by Elmer Crowell

Hooded merganser by Charles Hart

Preening black duck by Enoch Reindahl

Pintail drake by Tom Chambers

Fish trade sign by Oscar Peterson

Turnstone from Toronto Harbor

Hooded merganser drake by Julius Middlestadt
World Auction Record for Maker

Canada goose Charles Perdew

Black duck by the Mason Decoy Factory

Pintail hen by George Warin

Greenwing teal by Ben Schmidt

Bluewing teal by the Mason Decoy Factory

Canada goose by John Reeves

Duck call by Charles Perdew

"Cock of the Woods" Winchester poster

Winchester shotgun shell box

Pair of mallards by Alfred Moes
World Auction Record for Maker

Merganser by Gus Wilson

Mallard ice duck by Charles Schoenheider, Sr

Pair of pintails by Nate Quillen

Canvasback by the Ward Brothers

Turnstone by John Dilley

Bufflehead by Jim Schmiedlin

Slot neck Canada goose

Standing Canada goose by Charles Schoenheider

Bluejay by Elmer Crowell

Redhead drake by Harry V. Shourds

Pair of canvasbacks by Tom Chambers

Redhead by George Warin

Hanging game carving by Cameron McIntyre
World Auction Record for Maker

Pintail drake by George Warin

Canada goose by Phinneas Reeves

Curlew by the Mason Decoy Factory

Bluewing teal by Charles Reeves

Merganser by Mark English

Canvasback by Charles Bergman

Mallard by the Mason Decoy Factory

Black duck by Bud Tully

Pintail drake by Ben Schmidt

Pair of American merganers by Ben Schmidt

Pair of redheads by Tom Chambers

Bronze by William Koelpin

Duck call by Charles Perdew

UMC Poster

UMC "Club" Christmas Box

Pair of flying pintails by the Ward Brothers

Preening canvasback drake by Albert Laing

Merganser by Ed Dingman

Rare pintail drake by Nate Quillen

Mallard by the Ward Brothers