Decoys and Sporting Art Auction
July 23 & 24, 2019 - Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Portsmouth, New Hampshire - Guyette & Deeter, Inc. conducted annual summer decoy and sporting art auction on July 23 & 24 at the Sheraton Harborside Hotel in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Prices were strong throught the sale, grossing just under $2.5 million. Three lots sold for over $100,000 and 54 lots sold for over $10,000. Highlights from the sale included an important pintail by Elmer Crowell that sold for $265,500, a pintail drake and hen from the Kankakee Marsh that sold for $153,400 and $82,600 respectively, and a carved eagle banner by John Bellamy that sold for $126,260. The sale featured decoys from the collections of Jonathan & Virginia Chua, Bruce Collins, Lillian Colodny, Jim & Diane Cook, Dick Cowan, Jim & Joan Deevy, Ginny & Gordy Hayes, Lynwood Herrington, Dr. Lloyd Newberry, Jim Karsnitz, Don Kirson, Robert Laurent, Doug & Ellen Miller, Dick Stephenson, Ron Swanson, and Carl Wallman.
Guyette & Deeter's next sale will be held in November in conjunction with the Easton, Maryland Waterfowl Festival. Quality Consignments accepted until September 10.
Click here to view the full auction writeup from Antiques & The Arts Weekly

Important pintail, Elmer Crowell

Carved eagle banner, John Bellamy

Canada goose, George Boyd

Canada goose, Nathan Cobb, Jr.

Decorative bluejay, Elmer Crowell

Pair of greenwing teal, Ward Brothers

Ruddy turnstone, Obediah Verity

Cigar store Indian maiden, Samuel Robb

Yellowlegs, William Bowman

Decorative black bellied plover, Elmer Crowell

Oil on masonite, Robert Bateman. 15" x 15"

Goldeneye hen, Stevens Brothers

Decorative greenwing teal, Ward Brothers

Decorative bobwhite quail, Elmer Crowell

Oil on canvas board, Robert Bateman. 11" x 21.75"

Oil on canvas board, George Browne. 15.5" x 19.5"

Black bellied plover, Joseph Lincoln

Pair of wood ducks, Dennis Schroeder

Decorative yellowlegs, Elmer Crowell

Plover windbird from Nantucket, Massachusetts

Pair of old squaw, Oscar Bibber

Old squaw, Ben Dye

Pair of goldeneye, George Boyd

Swan, Al Bell

Pair of greenwing teal, Dennis Schroeder

Widgeon, Jett Brunet

Oil on canvas, Guy Coheleach. 17" x 23"

Yellowlegs, Elmer Crowell

Pair of goldeneye, Ward Brothers

Pintail, Robert Elliston

Ruddy turnstone, John McAnney

Canvasback, Tan Brunet

Oil on canvas, G. Muss-Arnolt. 8.5" x 10.75"

Pintail drake from the Kankakee marsh

Pintail hen from the Kankakee marsh

Merganser hen, Gus Wilson

Swan from Hooper's Island, Maryland

Oversize eider from Maine

Running curlew from Cobb Island, Virginia

Curlew, Eli Doughty

Pair of mallards, Ward Brothers

Deer weathervane, J.W. Fisk

Wood duck, Ward Brothers

Decorative wood duck, Elmer Crowell

Sandpiper, Chipman Family

Pintail hen, Ward Brothers

Trout fish decoy, Oscar Peterson. 9.5" long.

Guoache on board, Lynn Bogue Hunt. 24.5" x 18"

Old squaw, Ward Brothers

Canvasback, Mason Decoy Factory

Acrylic on board, Robert Bateman. 7.8" x 12"

Pintail, Ira Hudson

Canvas scoter, Lothrop Holmes

Ruddy turnstone, Mason Decoy Factory

Sucker fish decoy, Oscar Peterson. 9" long.

Lesser yellowlegs, Lothrop Holmes

Wood duck, Charles Perdew

Black duck, Lou Rathmell

Gull, Gilbert Wallace

Cork scoter, Shang Wheeler

Flying tern, Elmer Crowell

Flying half model black duck, Chauncey Wheeler

Decorative yellowlegs, Elmer Crowell

Teal, Charles Bergman

Greenwing teal, Jim Schmiedlin

Miniature puffin, George Boyd