Live Summer Sale Brings Just Under $3.3 Million
Guyette & Deeter, Inc. of St. Michaels, Maryland, conducted their annual summer decoy and sporting art auction on July 29 & 30 at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum also located in St. Michaels. A well-attended preview party was held at the Guyette & Deeter office the evening of July 28 with complementary oysters, hors d'oeuvres, and cocktails.
The sale featured decoys and sporting art from the collections of Ron Davis, Dave Fannon, Mark Goldman, Charlie Hart, Dr. Lynwood Herrington, Charlie Hunter, III, John & Dennis Jenny, Don Kirson, Dr. Preston Lowe, D.C. North, Kirby & Linda Roberts, Nancy & Randy Root, Rick & Liz Sandstrom, Geoff Stead, Jim Thompson, and Herb Wetanson,
After two days of auctions, gross sales totaled just under $3.3 million, with 72 lots selling for over $10,000, including one over $200,000. The top lot in the sale was an important swimming brant by Nathan Cobb, Jr., which brought $252,000. Prices were strong throughout the sale, with a hollow golden plover from Nantucket selling for $75,000, a pintail by Dave “Umbrella” Watson selling for $70,800, a curlew by Eli Doughty selling for $56,400, and a slope breast mallard from the Mason Decoy Factory selling for $48,000. Decorative decoys sold well too, with a Larry Hayden woodduck selling for a carver record of $42,000.
Decoys weren’t the only highlight of the sale. Guyette & Deeter continue to get high prices for sporting art, with an Edmund Osthaus oil on canvas selling for $69,600 and an Aiden Lassell Ripley watercolor going for $45,000. Folk art was well represented in the sale. Three cigar store Indian carvings from the Mark Goldman collection sold at their mid-estimates of $84,000, $39,000, and $27,000, as well as an 80” tall folk art whimsey tower featured in the 1893 World’s Fair selling for $33,000.
Guyette & Deeter’s next sale will be held November 9 & 10 at the Talbot County Community Center. The sale is held in conjunction with the Easton Waterfowl Festival. The sale will have a live audience and will be accompanied by a 50 table dealer show. Quality consignments are being accepted until September 15.

Important swimming brant, Nathan Cobb, Jr.
Highest price decoy sold at auction in 2022

Cigar store Indian figure, Thomas Brooks

Pintail, Dave "Umbrella" Watson

Curlew, Eli Doughty

Slope breast mallard, Mason Decoy Factory

Woodduck, Larry Hayden
World auction record for carver

Working heron, Captain Al Ketchem

Pair of fish plaques, Oscar Peterson

80" tall folk art whimsey tower

Fish carving, Oscar Peterson

Cigar store Indian figure, unknown maker

Bluewing teal, Charles Perdew

Pair of oversize mallards, Bert Graves

Merganser, Truro, Massachusetts

Flying bluewing teal plaque, Charles Perdew

18" x 39.5" oil on board, Frank Finney

Pair of black ducks, Ward Brothers

Black duck, Ward Brothers

Bluegill fish decoy, Lake Chautauqua, New York

Pair of redheads, James Harper

Dowitcher, William Bowman

Decorative quail, Tom Schroeder

Canvasback hen, Ward Brothers

Mute swan, Oliver Lawson

Pair of bluewing teal, Frank Resop

Black duck, Nathan Cobb, Jr.

Black bird carving, Elmer Crowell

Mallard, Charles Perdew

Pair of pintails, Jim Foote

Bluewing teal, Harvey Stevens

Canada goose with iron head, Voorhees rig

Pair of canvasbacks, Peter Pringle

15.5" x 19.5" oil on canvas, William Goadby Lawrence

Black duck, Ward Brothers

Bluegill fish plaque, Oscar Peterson

Set of nesting Nantucket lightship baskets

Set of nesting Nantucket lightship baskets

Pair of mallards, Richard Janson

16" x 22" watercolor, Aiden Lassell Ripley

Pair of canvasbacks, Cameron McIntyre

Bass fish decoy, Hans Janner

Pair of labrador ducks, William Koelpin

Pintail, Charles Pice

Falcon carving, Ron Tepley

Canvasback, Thomas Chambers

Early pike fish decoy, Oscar Peterson

Duck call, John Sandy Morrow

Shotgun shell box, Chamberlain Manufacturing

Hollow golden plover, Nantucket, Massachusetts

13.5" x 23.5" oil on canvas, Edmund Osthaus

Fish plaque, Oscar Peterson

19.75" x 28.75" watercolor, Aiden Lassell Ripley

Cigar store Indian figure, Samuel Robb

Black bellied plover, John Dilley

Greenwing teal hen,Ward Brothers

Canvasback, Ward Brothers

Polliwog, Oscar Peterson

Trout fish plaque, Oscar Peterson

Black duck, Ira Hudson

Bluewing teal, Jim Schmiedlin

Decorative ruffed grouse, Ward Brothers

Running plover, Robert Andrews

Flying mallard, Ira Hudson

Pair of standing bluewing teal, Ward Brothers

Brant, Jim Schmiedlin

Pair of mallards, Bert Graves

Greenwing teal, Ward Brothers

Redhead, Elmer Crowell

Owl, Frank Finney

Pintail hen, English/Dawson

11.75" x 17.5" watercolor, Edmund Osthaus

Black duck, Elkanah Cobb

Curlew, John Henry Downes

Canvasback, Noah Sterling

Pair of mergansers, Henry Grant

Whimbrel, Mason Decoy Factory

Pair of standing pintails, Ward Brothers

Curlew, Luther Lee Nottingham

Pair of lowhead bluebills, Mason Decoy Factory

Canada goose, George Warin

Pintail hen, Ward Brothers

Golden plover, Nantucket, Massachusetts

Pair of widgeon, Oliver Lawson

Mallard hen, Charles Perdew

Decorative ruddy duck, Ward Brothers

Black duck, John English

Black duck, John Henry Downs

Pintail, Ward Brothers

Canvasback hen, Robert McGaw

Pair of mergansers, John Scheeler

Decorative pintail, Ward Brothers

Goldeneye, by 9 master carvers

Three duck calls, Grady Taylor Twin River Calls

Two barrel type snipe whistles