St. Michaels, Maryland – Guyette and Deeter, Inc. entered the fine sporting arms business with their inaugural firearms auction Saturday February 4th, 2023. The sale contained a variety of fine quality sporting arms, varying in quality from truly investment grade material on down, delivering something for collectors and shooters alike.
By all counts, the sale was a resounding and smashing success grossing $2.86 million, and more than a dozen auction records achieved! The sale started with an in-person crowd of more than 100 attendees who were eager to see how things might perform given the company's new entree in to this genre. Lot number 1, a superb A. Galazan 20ga Boss Action Shotgun, Serial Number 1 started the sale and immediately flew past its high estimate in a fierce bidding battle, finally settling at $51,000 against a pre-sale estimate of $27,500-$42,500 and that lot set the tone for the rest of the auction. Nearly 80% of the lots in this auction sold above their pre-auction high estimate! Other exceptional results seemed commonplace in the sale with a very rare Parker BHE Grade 28ga topping the charts at $126,000, and a VHE 410ga with its original case and paperwork selling at $102,000, both records for their type.
Guyette and Deeter is now aggressively seeking high quality consignments of fine sporting arms for their September 2023 Auction. The sale already includes a superb and rare Parker BHE Grade 28ga and other highly desirable collectible arms. To learn more about this sale, or to consign to it, please email us at

Parker BHE Grade 28 gauge

Parker VHE 28 gauge Skeet gun
World auction record for a 28ga V Grade Parker

Lynn Bogue Hunt, oil on canvas, 45" x 29"

Inaugural A. Galazan Boss Action 20 bore

Parker GHE 16 gauge Skeet gun
World auction record for
a GHE 16ga Skeet gun

L.C. Smith A-3 Grade 12 gauge

Ward Brothers, pair of canvasbacks

Jim Foote, pair of canvasbacks

1897 Winchester "Double W" cartridge board

Holland & Holland ammunition board

Samuel Robb, cigar store Indian trade sign

Parker AHE 12 gauge target gun

Parker DHE 12 gauge skeet gun
World auction record for a DHE Parker 12ga

James Purdey 12 gauge lightweight game gun

Winchester Model 21 28 gauge "Deluxe"

Winchester Model 21 Flatside 28 gauge

Parker AAHE 20 gauge

Parker DH Grade 20 gauge

Parker Grade 2 10 gauge

Parker VHE 20 gauge Cutaway model
World auction record
for a Parker Cutaway or
demonstrator model

Webley & Scott 702 Presentation 20 gauge

L.C. Smith Grade 5E 16 gauge

Kreighoff Classic Big-Five double rifle in .470N.E.

Westley Richards & Co. 12 bore self-opening sidelock

H. Benjamin of London 4 bore hammer shotgun

Winchester Model 21 Skeet Grade

L.C. Smith Grade 4E 16 gauge

Parker CH 10 gauge

Winchester Model 21 20 gauge "Deluxe Skeet"

J&W Tolley 4 bore hammer fowler

Parker DHE 20 gauge

Parker VHE 28 gauge skeet shotgun

J.W. Tolley 4 bore hammerless shotgun

Vierling by H. Burgsmuller

Winchester Model 21 20 gauge

Winchester Model 21 12 gauge

Winchester Model 21 "Skeet" grade

Parker CHE 28 gauge

L.C. Smith 410 gauge Ideal Grade

Parker Grade 0 hammer shotgun

L.C. Smith Grade 2 8 gauge hammerless shotgun

Parker 20 gauge Trojan

Browning Citori Model C525
World auction record
for this model

Parker VHE 410 gauge
First ever 6 figure VHE Parker, and highest price ever
achieved for a VHE Parker. Second highest price ever
achieved at auction for a 410ga Parker. Nearly double
the previous worlds record!

Parker AHE 12 gauge
World auction record for an AHE 12ga Parker

Lynn Bogue Hunt, oil on canvas, 14" x 16"

Parker GHE 28 gauge

Winchester Model 21-6 16 gauge

Parker SA-1 12 gauge

Elmer Crowell, pintail

Oliver Lawson, full size whistling swan

Robert Elliston, greenwing teal

Kynoch ammunition board display

Parker GHE Grade 20 gauge skeet gun

Lefever Arms Co. EE Grade 20 gauge
World auction record for an
E Grade Lefever

Winchester Model 21 28 gauge upgrade

Abbiatico & Salvinelli 28 bore Castore Model

Parker CHE Grade 20 gauge

Browning Pointer Grade 28 gauge

Westley Richards 12 bore "Droplock" game guns

Browning Superposed 4 barrel skeet set

A.H. Fox CE Grade 20 gauge

Browning Superposed Midas Grade 28 gauge

Browning Superposed Pointer Grade 20 gauge

Winchester Model 21-1 20 gauge

"Grade 2" Colt Model 1883 12 gauge

Parker BHE Grade 10 gauge Magnum

Parker GHE 16 gauge skeet gun

Winchester Model 21 20 gauge

Parker DHE Grade 20 gauge skeet gun

Parker DHE 16 gauge skeet gun

Browning Superposed 20 gauge Pointer Grade

A.H. Fox "FE" Grade upgrade

L.C. Smith Crown Grade 20 gauge

Lefever Durston Special Grade 20 gauge
World auction record
for a Durston Special Lefever

Winchester Model 21-1 12 gauge

Ithaca Classic Doubles 28 gauge Special Grade

Parker DHE Grade 12 gauge

Browning Superposed Grade 1 410 gauge

L.C. Smith Monogram Grade 12 gauge

Parker DHE 12 gauge skeet configured

Parker BHE 12 gauge

Westley Richards Droplock

L.C. Smith Crown Grade 10 gauge

Winchester Model 75
World auction record for a Model 75 Sporting rifle