April 25 & 26, 2002 - St. Charles, Illinois
950+ lots. Collections of Bernard Crandell, Ron Adamson, Herman Votens, Ralph Selby, Jr., and decoys consigned directly by the Gromme family. Our April decoy auction grossed 1,721,000; which was around 25% above our estimate. 28 lots sold for over $10,000 with at least 5 major items selling for world auction records. A large crowd and a very large amount of phone and absentee bidders (705 bid numbers issued) kept prices very high on most items. Ontario decoys, Elmer Crowell decoratives and miniatures, and decoys by Owen Gromme of Wisconsin brought very high prices. Also decoys from Virginia and Factory decoys brought high prices.

Large pike plaque by Oscar Peterson
World auction record

Outstanding pair of plover from Cape Cod

Rare Canada goose by Tom Chambers
World auction record

Rare dowitcher by William Bowman

Preening brant by Ira Hudson

Wood duck by the Dodge Decoy Factory
World auction record

Oil on canvas by Roland Knight

Woodcock by Elmer Crowell

Rare pair of woodducks by Ben Schmidt

Fliptail trout plaque by Oscar Peterson

Mallard drake by the Ward Brothers

Redhead drake by Elmer Crowell

Old Town Canoe salesman sample 48 inches longWorld auction record

Rare walleye by Hans Janner

Full size killdeer mantel carving by Elmer Crowell

Woodduck drake by Elmer Crowell

Loon decoy from Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

Rare canvasback hen by Owen Gromme World auction record for maker

Canada goose by Owen Gromme

Canvasback drake by Joseph Seiger World auction record for maker